Natural Amethyst Crystal Wholesale

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Amethyst Rough Wholesale - Gem Avenue

Amethyst Rough (2 to 3 Oz)

Amethyst Rough is a natural stone that ranges in size from 2 to 3 ounces and is noted for its distinctive purple color. It is known for its calming energy,...
Amethyst Mineral Specimen Wholesale - Gem Avenue

Amethyst 3.5" Mineral Specimen

This Amethyst Mineral Specimen is a beautiful addition to any rock collection. Its size measurements are 2" in width, 3.5" in height, and 13.4 Oz in weight. This specimen is...

The name Amethyst is derived from the Greek word "amethystos", meaning “not intoxicated", and comes from an ancient legend. It is a member of the quartz crystal family of minerals that are so prevalent in our planet's crust. Everyone knows Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz. That lovely purple, shading from the palest lilac to good deep violet and royal hues, is what gives amethyst its common name. It might not be as expensive as many other of the world’s most precious gemstones. But Amethyst gems still make for captivating jewelry and decorations.

For those who believe in crystal healing, it provides protection, calms the mind, promotes physical ailments, and emotional problems, energy healing, chakra balancing, and divine spiritual wisdom. Amethyst is fairly easy to track down, even if gem-quality specimens are less abundant. It is believed that the powerful healing energy of amethyst can convert low vibrations to high frequencies and convert negative energy into love energy. Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone.

Individuals born in the month of February have a purple amethyst birthstone assigned. Amethyst crystal was very important to this ancient culture of wisdom, and the legends associated with it still exist today. According to legend, Saint Valentine wore an amethyst ring carved with Cupid’s likeness. It is found in most places where quartz ends: volcanic eruptions, intrusive volcanic rocks, metamorphic rocks, and hydroelectric veins depositing hot springs. The dramatically deep purple hues of Amethyst are known to have inspired civilizations around the world for thousands of years.

Here at Gem Avenue Wholesale, we pride ourselves on providing the best quality fluorite crystal pendants to ensure our customers' utmost satisfaction! we offer a wide variety of high-quality wholesale crystals and gemstones. We source our crystals from all over the world and offer competitive prices to our customers to get the best possible deal on the crystals you need.